Having your first child is a wonderful blessing that will change your life. There are, however, a lot of difficulties as well, and you must learn how to get beyond them.
It was a difficult task for one mother to transport her little kid to San Francisco, California, since a baby is not exactly prepared to remain quiet for a 10-hour flight. With a baby on board, you genuinely have no idea what to anticipate.

The mother then had a suggestion that would assist her in staying out of trouble with irate passengers. It included a note and some packed baggies.
The young mother, who had just given birth to a baby boy named Junwoo, was flying from Seoul, South Korea, to California with her mother. They intended to go see Junwoo’s aunt.
Mom decided to beg everyone’s consideration and patience in advance because she was worried that if young Junwoo fussed or cried on the journey, other passengers might become irritated by him.

The mother distributed the baggies to passengers on the plane while carrying her infant son and moving from one to another. Each of them received a tiny goodie bag from her along with the following note:
I’m Junwoo, and I’m four months old. Hello. I’m traveling to the United States today to visit my aunt with my mum and grandma. Since this is my first flight ever, I’m a little anxious and scared, therefore I might start crying or start making a lot of noise. I’ll make an effort to leave quietly, but I can’t guarantee it. Excuse me, please. My mother therefore prepared a small treat bag for you! It was earplugs and some candy. If it’s too noisy because of me, kindly use it. Enjoy the journey. I’m grateful.
Dave Corona, a passenger, noticed this gesture and posted his response on Facebook. Along with a picture of the note, he informed everyone that little Junwoo was a good boy who behaved properly during the trip.
More than 200 gift bags including candy and earplugs were distributed by a woman on a 10-hour flight from Seoul, South Korea, to San Francisco in case her 4-month-old baby cried while in the air. Although the mother made a very kind gesture, you should always be prepared for the unexpected when you have children. Not a sound came from the child.

Bless this mother who, despite having a newborn, still found the time to make goodie gifts for every passenger on her flight.
Online users responded to the gesture in a variety of ways. Some others thought the gesture was wonderful, but they cautioned the new mother not to feel bad about her child’s behavior on the flight.
“A woman should never feel guilty about traveling with her kids! Adults who are intoxicated and smelly should feel awful for causing difficulties on board. This message is ridiculous, and people need to understand that babies are babies. Mothers should never feel bad for having a small child, one commenter wrote.

As kind as her action is, I am hurt for us ladies since society has taught us that a weeping child is a terrible thing. In addition, one manages to make goody bags despite barely getting any sleep and spending the entire day and night caring for a 4-month-old baby. What an extremely attractive person,” a another person said.
Others expressed their understanding of how the new mother must have felt, noting that anxiety can occasionally play a significant role in explaining why new mothers are quick to worry about this sort of thing.
It’s quite unsettling to think about the anxiety of being judged as a parent.

Overall nevertheless, the mother’s considerateness was applauded. She exhibited excellent character in her thoughtful care of other travelers.
“I appreciate you sharing! One commenter gushed, “It’s incredibly nice and heartfelt.
Another individual remarked, “She is a great excellent mother and always respects another passenger on her trip.
Even while being a new parent is great, it is not always simple. When we observe a parent struggling, we should all be understanding. But you have to agree, this was a pretty sincere act!
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