A child weighing 7.2 kg was born in 1983. How is he still alive after 39 years?

Kevin Robert Clark’s birth in 1983 drew widespread media attention across the country. After all, the baby weighed 7.2 kg! He was the country’s largest infant.

Patricia Clark, Kevin’s mother, had previously had children who were similarly enormous, so she expected the child to be enormous, but she did not expect such a shock.

When the child was brought home from the hospital, it was discovered that all of his clothes were too small for him, and he couldn’t fit in a standard bed.

Kevin was taller than 152 cm when he was 12 years old. “Because of my rapid height increase, finding appropriate clothing and footwear was the most difficult. It was challenging because I needed clothing all the time, he recalls.

Everyone forced him to try sports because of his height; they forced him to play basketball. Kevin, on the other hand, struggled with sports because he lacked enthusiasm for the activity. He did, however, enjoy hunting and fishing.

Kevin then joined the United States Air Force and is now a state police officer. He is currently 39 years old, weighs 136 kg, and stands over 2 meters tall. The man admits that he dislikes being in the spotlight because he has been the subject of several jokes in the media since he was a baby. Over time, the man becomes increasingly irritated by the jokes and stories that are told about him. As a result, we do not recommend…

Kevin’s life, on the other hand, has generally progressed; he found his true love, got a puppy, and the guy is happy. When asked if I play basketball, I respond, “Do you play mini golf?” John asserts.

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