Boston Terrier Henry sensed the danger and saved the life of his owners’ 9-month-old daughter

Henry the Boston Terrier saved the life of his owner’s 9-month-old daughter.

At first, it seemed like the dog was playing a prank, but it turned out that in this way it grabbed attention and alerted the child to danger. 8-year-old Henry lives with his family in Connecticut, USA. Normally he sleeps, watches TV, and hugs his owner, but on the night of December 13th, he acted differently.

Kelly and Jeff Dowling, owners of Henry and their 9-month-old daughter, were sleeping in their room with a bad cold. But the dog tried with all his might to wake them up. He kept opening the nursery door, ran in, and stopped. He was kicked out each time, but Henry returned as soon as his owner left.

Eventually, the sound woke the girl up and she cried. Afterward, her parents noticed that her screams didn’t sound like they used to. She couldn’t breathe and she was already pale and cold. Her parents urgently took their daughter to the hospital, where doctors could help the child.

“I don’t know what would have happened if Henry hadn’t woken her up.” Now the owners are going to thank Henry for his heroic act.

They had already allowed him to spend the night in bed and had given him in advance the gifts they had prepared for the dog for Christmas.

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