The Arctic area is home to the Arctic fox. Often, they reside near the sea in mountains and tundra.
The Arctic fox population is steady, there are several hundred thousand of them in the wild, and it is regarded as a species of least concern.
Despite the fact that foxes of all kinds are thought of as wild creatures, many people nevertheless desire to have one as a pet.
Just 15 states, nevertheless, permit fox ownership. Not all fox species are permitted in these 15 states.
Foxes are regarded as “inherently dangerous” undomesticated predators. Their high levels of energy, loudness, and instinctive drive to mark their territory make them difficult to care for.
Senior blind Arctic fox Archie was abandoned in a Colorado dog shelter when he was eight years old.
Maybe his owners were unable to adequately care for him or no longer want him.
He came from Colorado and ended up at a Minnesota fox rescue, which he disliked. He didn’t want to leave or see any other foxes while he was there.
He eventually found himself in Arctic Fox Daily Wildlife Rescue, a refuge for animals with a two-pronged rescue effort.
The first step is to offer foxes that have been born in captivity and cannot be released a permanent haven. The second phase is rehabilitating native species to New York with the intention of putting the creatures back into the wild.
According to Kimberly DeFisher, founder of Arctic Fox Daily Wildlife Rescue, “When Archie first arrived here, he was obviously extremely timid, but what’s really great is that Archie, fast-forward a little bit, has fully broken out of his shell.”
Archie recognizes the word “treat” and consents to Kimberly touching him after she issues a warning.
Archie was born blind, but Kimberly explained to GeoBeats Animals that he occasionally crashes into objects and recalls his boundaries. Lulu, another lover of Archie’s, keeps him company.
Archie and Lulu occasionally go on play dates with Tundra and Cleo, another fox pair from the refuge.
“Many people ponder why I devote so much time and effort to these animals, whom some may deem to be unworthy. I’ve seen the benefits of providing them with a happy life, and that has motivated me to work even harder to provide Archie with the best life possible,” Kimberly added.
She said that Archie was enjoying his best life and that the experience had been more satisfying than she had anticipated.
Many of the animals under Kimberly’s care lack the instincts of their wild counterparts, she noted. They wouldn’t be able to survive the weather, hunt, or gather enough food on their own.
She added that Archie is getting close to the typical age of an Arctic fox, which is around 10 years old. Kimberly is making sure he has a joyful, fulfilling final few years.
She said, “I feel grateful and lucky that I have the chance to develop this relationship with him.
This video has received over a million views, and many viewers have also expressed their admiration for Archie.
“Archie is really lovely. I’m very happy you saved him; kindness and love should always be shown to animals. He’s still gorgeous, according to a remark.