Each has a distinctive characteristic, from freckles or birthmarks to their chuckle.
That was the case for one small cat, differences can occasionally be seen as frightening.
Ace the cat was saved as a kitten, but soon after, an illness led him to lose his eye, and soon after, he was feared by everyone.
Although Ace may have a little worn-out appearance, he is a lovable cat who enjoys making people laugh.
One little child, however, feels just the opposite of those who continue to be terrified of him because of his appearance.
Ace enjoys watching the world go by from his front porch, but he has a daily visitor he looks forward to seeing.
Ace’s owner, Norma Maikovitch, installed surveillance cameras to ensure the cat’s safety while it was outside, and soon she discovered a recurrent visitor on her property.
A small child from the neighborhood visits the affectionate cat every day to show him his love.
Ace rises from his perch as soon as he notices the youngster approaching and strolls up to his pal.
In an effort to coax the cat closer to the sidewalk where he had placed his bike, the child attempts to avoid too much intrusion on his neighbor’s property.
Ace, however, flops down exactly at the top of his driveway because cats, as anybody who owns one knows, are incredibly obstinate.
Ace’s hairy tummy tempts the youngster, and he quickly approaches the cat and sits down next to it.
The moment the youngster sits down, Ace’s love for him is evident as he rolls and flips all over the place while giving him lots of strong pats.
Ace is familiar with this child well enough to feel at ease around him, which is unusual for cats because their bellies are one of their most vulnerable areas.
He rolls right out of the boy’s grasp as he circles himself to make sure every part of himself is noticed.
Ace waits patiently for the youngster to stand up and come closer to him once more, once more demonstrating his feline tenacity.
The cat rolls just out of reach, forcing the youngster to relocate many times.
He eventually collapses into the guys’ laps for a little period of time before rolling away.
Upon examining her surveillance videos, Norma noticed all of this and discovered that the youngster visited their home practically daily to spoil Ace.
The next time she spotted him, she walked outside to let him know that it was alright and that he was welcome to visit whenever he pleased to keep the cat company.