The relationship between a mother and her child knows no bounds. It’s most likely the most pure form of love there is.
It is unrestricted and unending love, even when a big wooden door stands between them.
That’s what we witnessed in a breathtakingly popular YouTube video that was just recently posted.
The young girl, Ivy, stood serenely outside the restroom door as her mother took a shower.
But it wasn’t because Ivy had to go to the bathroom. She may have left you wondering why she was there.
It turns out that the cute kid was just requesting a mommy hug.
When you’re looking for a big hug, especially at her age, it can seem like a lifetime. Around 18 months old when the video was recorded, Ivy.
She was singing “happy birthday” to herself even though it wasn’t her birthday, and she was still being carried around in a baby carriage.
Ivy is already investigating the house while standing on her own two feet.
Mom can no longer run away as a result of this. Ivy can find her mother anywhere in the house and ask for a hug whenever she needs one.
Even if her mother is in the shower, Ivy will still ask for a hug.
In the video, Ivy declares, “I want Mommy.”
Her eyes are more dejected than we’ve ever seen them as she stands just outside the restroom door.
She obviously needs some mommy time even though they have only been together for a short while.
Mom yells out Ivy’s name as soon as she realizes her adorable daughter is out there. The young girl is simply inspired by this, and she proceeds to softly knock on the wooden door. She has to knock and wait because she can’t reach the door handle to manually open it.
Dad is outside as well, observing and documenting the action.
Thankfully, Ivy doesn’t have to wait for very long.
In an instant, the door flies open, revealing Mom.
When Ivy sees her adored parent, her eyes shine.
Hugging a child can be reassuring, soothing, and even therapeutic. Another important factor is love. Ivy is swept into Mom’s arms, and in an instant, her entire demeanor changes.
One YouTube commenter says of her, “She reminds me of those old-fashioned Dollys whose eyes open and close as you lift and lower them.”
It’s a beautiful sight, but it happens frequently.
In the video’s comments section, several other mothers shared experiences very similar to mine. Mother Chaz Nonya shared the following humorous tale:
When she was a baby, I had to scream every time I tried to take a shower. Once she could walk, she made sure I never took a shower by myself. She was 23 when we finally moved out, and as soon as I finished my shower, I called her and said, “Guess what! You took a peaceful shower, right? » she knowingly enquired. We both laughed at that. »
It is almost a given that mothers and daughters will irritate one another for the rest of their lives due to their unbreakable bond. You can always rely on one person to give you a hug. The person is called Mom.