Although all cats are cute, even those that appear to be out to take over the world, Izzy is one of the most expressive cats on the internet.
Because of her humorous expressions, Izzy the Meowl, as her fans refer to her, has been featured in numerous viral photos. British and European Shorthair hybrids Izzy and Zo are. Only Izzy and Zo have black and white fur, despite the fact that the two were born in a litter of five. Their owner claims that the two have been inseparable since birth.
Despite sharing a similar appearance, they are remarkably different individuals. Izzy, the person with the white nose, is more courageous and daring. While Zo, the person with the heart-shaped mark on her chest and a black nose, is more timid but equally as curious. It warms the hearts of their fans to see how affectionate both cats are toward their owners.
Izzy’s amusing face and unusual heart-shaped marking on her chest initially drew the majority of the online attention, but her fans couldn’t ignore her, so let’s honor her with some of her best photos. Keep up with their daily adventures by checking out their website or following them on Instagram.
Meet Izzy, The Cutest Cat On Instagram Who Always Has A Funny Expression On Her Face.