Berenice Pacheco lost her work during the lockdown, making it impossible for her to continue paying rent.
They were had to relocate to a barn outside of the city, much to the dismay of the 30-year-old mother of three.
There was simply a streetside shower available. They then proceeded to a nearby restaurant’s restroom. The shed was excessively warm.
Additionally, there was not even a table available for the kids to do their homework at.
Aaron, the woman’s 8-year-old son, would frequently ask for cash to buy candy. However, the woman’s meager earnings from her part-time employment were only sufficient to cover the essentials, such as her phone bill or washing.
She joked at one point that she would assist the boy in finding a side gig if he could think of one.
After giving it some serious thought, Aaron made the decision to drive to the wholesale flower market in the mornings and then sell the succulents close to his house for a bit more.
When his mother heard about his plan, she gave her son the final $12.
He was able to purchase 8 little plants with this money and sell them for $16. He started doing this continuously and putting all of the proceeds in more plants.
All went well. The boy was known to people. Local newspapers featured him, and his mother set up an Instagram account for him.
Many adults were moved by the boy’s narrative, and they traveled across the city to buy from him and offer him a large gratuity. There are currently 26,000 followers on Aaron’s Instagram.
The child used his savings to buy his mum a car two months ago.
Additionally, they assisted him in starting a crowdfunding campaign, through which Aaron raised $37,000.
Early in November, the family used this money to purchase a tiny flat. The kids were just relieved to finally have a functional kitchen, bathroom, and classroom table.