Now that a young donkey is being raised by a teenager, their futures are irrevocably altered.
Everybody experiences transitions at some point in their lives, some of which are great and some of which are negative. She is from Taxes and never imagined she would one day become a mother – to a little horse.
Donkey John was weak and small when he was born, and his mother abandoned him, making him a victim of the harshness of the country from the start. The grower asked Payton if she wanted a live toy because he didn’t have time to play with the baby.
The young girl had previously taken sailing classes, expressed a preference for infants, and expressed a desire to get a pony. The owner refused to clarify if this was a practical joke or not, but he did state bluntly that the animal will either be slaughtered or rejected. Naturally, the girl agreed to let John enter.
He is required to drink milk from a bottle every two hours. He looks into everything with frantic curiosity while also being utterly afraid of the entire universe. The horse won’t relax even with a plush toy or one of the Conley puppies, who he quickly became friends with. And he has a purely devoted love for his “mother.”
So that she could prepare dinner earlier than just at noon, she had to postpone her classes.